2021 national science awards

At its 3rd session, which took place November 21, 2022, the national awards for science committee decided on awarding Croatian awards for science in 2021. 32 national awards for science in 2021. were awarded.

Four scientists from the University of Split received them. The lifetime achievement award in biomedicine and healthcare went to prof. Željko Dujić Ph.D. from School of Medicine.

Annual science awards in technical sciences went to prof. Sandro Nižetić Ph.D. from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding, and in biomedicine and healthcare prof. Ivana Novak Nakir Ph.D. from School of Medicine.

Anna Šušnjara Ph.D., from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding, received the annual prize for assistants, in the field of technical sciences.

We congratulate all winners!