19th Science Festival officially opened, with more than 80 activities for all ages!

Grand opening of the 19th Split Science Festival, an event aimed at bringing science closer to the public, that is informing it on activities and results in the fields of science and arts, improving public perception of scientists and motivating young people to research and acquire new knowledge, took place in front of the Three Faculties Building on Monday, 10 May,

At the opening, the following addressed the public: University of Split Rector, prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D., Vice Rector for Science and Innovation prof. Leandra Vranješ Markić Ph.D. and the operational manager of the Festival’s Organizing Committee, Domagoja Buljan Barbača Ph.D.  University of Split Vice-Rectors prof. Tomislav Kilić, prof. Goran Kardum Ph.D., prof. Đurđica Miletić Ph.D., Assoc. prof. Željko Radić Ph.D.; head of the Rector's Office Ivana Pletković and members of the Split Organizing Committee also attended. As a part of what took place live in previous years, assoc. prof. Vida Šimat Ph.D. from the University Department of Marine Studies and assist. prof. Danijela Skroza Ph.D., from the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, with associates Martina Čagalj, Roberta Frleta and Pia Pecyk, held a scientific presentation.

Despite the many challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Festival will take place May 10-15, on Culture of Science. More than 80 activities have been prepared, most of them will be online, live via the ZOOM platform or pre-recorded presentations, which will be available on the University of Split’s YouTube channel starting from the date specified in the schedule. The part of the activities planned to take place live, will be, complying with all epidemiological measures and recommendations.
-A festival implies people, interaction, and we are so proud of these young people who are showing what they do. Our University ranks pretty high in certain areas on world rankings. When you compare how many strong universities are there in the world, holding on to our place, between 300th and 350th in the world, in basic science, life sciences, means something.
When we talk about the University, we are talking about people, staff, students, interest and innovation. If it weren't for professors, our students and young assistants, I don't think our University would have a perspective, but on occasions such as the Science Festival, we show the public our work and perspective because we are talking about culture of science, the culture of doing research, said Rector Ljutić. He commented on what it means to be a researcher, decency in research, and what does it means to present results, positive and negative.

- As a doctor, I always prefer a positive result, however, a negative one shows us in which direction we should not go. University, the very word, is a broad term that implies a combination of professors and students that leads to creating new values. I believe we have to bring innovation to our university, which means that a student studying, for example, chemistry, can at the same time, also enroll a course in philosophy, medicine or literature. That is what studying today means, culture of living in our environment, which, among other things, I think is our main role. Science is the one leading forward - concluded Rector Ljutić.

-At our University, it is extremely important that all scientific achievements are broadcast to the wider community. That is our social responsibility. Furthermore, maintaining a dialogue between science and the public, which must understand how important science is, is very important. Including our youngest from when they start school is essential, in order to encourage them to practice science, to intrigue their curiosity and to make sure they continue on that path.
The theme of this year's Science Festival is Culture of Science, which is all about understanding science and its importance in society, spreading science to the wider society and popularizing it, so as to gain greater trust in science. This is very important. Considering the current situation with COVID, we see how important it is that people really understand and trust science - said Vice-Rector Vranješ Markić.

The operative head of the Science Festival’s Organizing Committee, Domagoja Buljan Barbača, said that at this year's Festival, most activities would take place on platforms. Still, 14 activities will include physical contact among participants, and the rest will take place either via Zoom, live, or with videos offered on the University of Split’s YouTube channel.
Find all activities at www.unist.hr/znanost-i-inovacije/festival-znanosti