Invitation to all the MsC interested students

If you are a MsC student from a marine science, law, resource economy or ethics background and you are interested in ocean sustainability - apply on the course called Introduction to Ocean Sustainability (5 ECTS points).
The course will be organized every Thursday from 4-6pm on zoom, from 08th April to 08 July 2021
Application deadline: 07th April 2021 (email:
More detailed information:

Course Title: Introduction to Ocean Sustainability (Nina Keul et al., contact:, application deadline April 7)

Course Level: open to MSc students (not only from a  marine science background, but also students with a study focus on law, resource economy, ethics that are interested in ocean sustainability). 5 ECTS.

Course Content: The key to future ocean sustainability lies in understanding the ocean and treating it as an integrated system with diverse social and natural interactions. The module will concentrate on integrated research areas that focus on the grand challenges faced in attaining ocean sustainability. Students will attend a lecture series where the members of Kiel Marine Sciences will present current topics on ocean sustainability from an interdisciplinary view point. Afterwards, students will work in small groups on a final term paper, in the style of a policy brief.


Learning Outcomes: Students are able to describe the basic concepts of ocean sustainability. Furthermore, students will be familiar with innovative and solution-orientated opportunities for sustainability policy that reduces ocean pressures, enhances resilience and safeguards human prosperity derived from the ocean. Using this knowledge, students will be able to analyse sustainability related topics in an interdisciplinary setting, developing an important skill not only for academic careers, but also for engagement with societal actors and knowledge holders outside academia.


Course Schedule (all lectures recorded on Zoom, always 4-6pm)






Introduction to the course: objectives, content, expectations




Marine Hydrocarbons

Prof. Ralph Schneider



Introduction to Sustainability

Prof. Dr. Silja Klepp



Carbon Sinks (CO2 storage & Blue Carbon)

Prof. Andreas Oschlies & Prof. Klaus Wallmann



Marine Mineral Resources: Technology & Profitability

Dr. Sven Petersen



Law of theSea: Governance of Marine Resources

Dr. Erik v. Dorn



Insights to Resource Economics

Prof. Marie-Catherine Riekhof



Outline for an ocean ethics

Prof. Konrad Ott




Marine Mineral Resources: Environmental

Impacts of Marine Material Extraction/ Mining

Dr. Matthias Haeckel


       17.06.21 – 07.07.21

Self study phase





Hand in final term paper