The Department of Croatian Language and Literature solemnly marked its 20th anniversary at the Faculty of Humanities on Friday, Oct 22. The scientific conference "Mediterranean as an identity marker: language, literature, culture and new medias" was also organized.

At its beginning, assist. prof. Tanja Brešan Ančić Ph.D., Head of the Faculty of Humanities’ Department of Croatian Language and Literature, greeted the guests on behalf of the Department and presented some information about its history. In the first place, she mentioned prof. Emeritus Joško Božanić, prof. Emeritus Ivan Mimica and prof. Šime Pilić Ph.D., founders of the Croatian Language and Literature Department, then University of Split’s Department of Humanities, which consisted of three study programs (Croatian, English and Italian - all languages and literatures). Along with professors Mimica and Božanić, the Department gained momentum when it was joined by research fellows, today associate professors: Gordana Galić Kakkonen Ph.D., Katarina Lozić Knezović Ph.D., Anita Runjić-Stoilova Ph.D. and Marijana Tomelić Ćurlin Ph.D. Along with them, Nataša Paradžik Braić also worked as a fellow.

Over the years, the Department added to its staff and colleagues from other universities helped in its work. Today, the Department of Croatian Language and Literature has 15 employees in scientific and teaching positions as well as five assistants, in two chairs, Literature and Culture and Croatian Language.

- I believe we have many more successful years ahead of us, in which we will progress in every aspect, regarding teaching, scientific work, as well as staff - assoc. prof. Tanja Brešan Ančić Ph.D., Head of the Department, concluded.

On behalf of University of Split’s management, prof. Goran Kardum Ph.D. addressed those who were present saying that he was honored and pleased to be attending this university component’s anniversary, especially since it is addressing an enormously important topic, identity, because there is no language without identity, and vice versa.

Assoc. prof. Gloria Vickov Ph.D., Faculty of Humanities’ dean, pointed out that this international scientific meeting is the best way to mark an important jubilee, and will also confirm that language, literature and culture are the foundation of a nation’s identity, including Croatia’s.

Prof. Emeritus Joško Božanić recalled the very beginning and read a part of the speech he gave in Oct. 2001 when humanities were being founded in Split:

- We are happy that we can finally say today that in the town of Marko Marulić, the birthplace of Croatian literature, one can finally study Croatian literature at the university level - prof. Božanić quoted from the speech he gave 20 years ago.