59 students obtaining master’s degrees in pharmacy were promoted on Monday, October 18, in the University of Split’ School of Medicine’s amphitheater.

On behalf of University of Split’s rector, prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D., Goran Kardum, Vice Rector for Teaching, addressed those (who were) present saying how honored and pleased he was to attend the formal promotion of the integrated study of Medicine, Chemistry and Technology, that secondary school graduates esteem for years and attend those with high grade point average.

Matko Erceg, Faculty of Chemistry and Technology’s dean, praised masters of science for their hard work, saying that some of them will find work in pharmacy, some in developing research, and for some of them he hopes will stay at the University:

- For most of you, I also hope will stay and work in the Republic of Croatia, and it is up to older generations to find a way to keep you here. No matter where you end up in, I invite you to stay in touch with your faculties, professors and colleagues because together we want to create a positive network in order to ensure transfer of knowledge to the economy and vice versa - he concluded.

Renata Pecotić, School of Medicine’s Vice Dean for Teaching and Student Affairs, greeted all graduates, emphasizing that this was s a great day for them, as they closed a major chapter in their lives and are now facing an unpredictable, challenging period:

- Books you have learned from and gained-acquired knowledge are only initial capital for independent living, and you should continue to study and ask questions - she concluded.