At the Split City Council’s formal session, Rector Ljutić received special thanks and the city’s medal

Celebrating Split’s Day and the feast of St. Domnius (sv. Duje), on May 6, Split City Council held a formal session at the Croatian National Theater, where Mayor Andro Krstulović Opara and the City Council’s President, Igor Stanišić, presented city’s awards to deserving citizens and organizations. Zoran Milanović, Croatian President, also attended.

In addition to traditional awards given to its laureates, this year the City of Split gave a special thank you and the City’s medal to the Rector, prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D., for an outstanding contribution in the field of medicine and University’s development, that contributed to developing and promoting Split’s reputation, Kristijan Sindik, for prominent humanitarian action, City’s promotion, regarding sports and tourism, as well as Radio Dalmatia, for 25 years of operation, also humanitarian work.
Rector Ljutić was awarded this based on a proposal from the University of Split’s School of Medicine, signed by its Dean, prof. Ante Tonkić Ph.D.

Prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D. spent his entire career in the health care system and that of science and higher education: initially as primary health care physician in Makarska, later as resident (specializing) in University Hospital of Split (KBC) and subspecializing in London, as long term head of one hospital’s department, as scientist, professor and twice elected Dean of University of Split’s School of Medicine.

Dragan Ljutić Ph.D. is a full professor in a permanent position, and in his scientific work, contributes most in the field of nephrology, is evident from his rich biography and numerous scientific papers published. Professional and scientific commitment, among other things, evident from memberships both in domestic (vice president and president of the Croatian Society for Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation) and international health and scientific organizations. He pioneered modern methods of treatment in nephrology and the Department of Kidney Diseases became a center of excellence, which was recognized by domestic and international professionals. He mentored numerous specialists (residents), masters and doctoral students who head today’s health care institutions. He modernized numerous dialysis centers in the Split-Dalmatia County.

Prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D. was elected Rector of the University of Split in 2018, and became a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in November of the same year.
At the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, at Rector’s initiative, University COVID Center was established, where students and staff can get all the necessary information on how to act in case of infection’s symptoms and risky contacts, 24 hours a day,  where they can get tested as soon as possible. The COVID center’s top organization, helped by doctors and student volunteers from the University, greatly contributed to quality organization of the teaching process, especially in parts of teaching that took place live, as well as general stabilization and organization of work in times of crisis.
In addition to that, distance learning was successfully organized and conducted, with teachers undergoing continuous education in term of use of tools for distance learning.

He is one of the two editors-in-chief of the University of Split’s monograph "On the University and the City", published June 2019, which details University’s exceptional contribution and potential necessary for the development of our society. In the past two years, as University’s Rector, he has worked on improving quality of study programs, University’s internationalization, consolidating the financial situation and raising student standards. In that sense, among other things, reconstruction and extension of the Student Dormitory ‘Bruno Bušić’ are completed, conceptual design for the new dormitory on Campus developed, the Campus was fixed up and the University Library renovated. Furthermore, two new study programs, Hotel and Gastronomy management, and Mediterranean Agriculture, were launched and run successfully, and September this year, the study of Psychology in English and Journalism and Communication science will start.

Prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D. encouraged stronger internationalization of the University of Split. The University’s presence in the international scene is evident in its placement on rankings, which it holds on to despite great competition and the constant increase in the number of ranked universities. The Rector supported the University’s involvement in European universities’ initiative, preparing and implementing the project within the European University of the Sea Alliance (SEA-EU). In the Alliance, University of Split connects education and science on an equal footing with partner universities in Cadiz, Bres, Kiel, Gdańsk and Malta, taking care of sustainable socio-economic development and opening numerous opportunities for students, scientists and all employees.

With his selfless, dedicated and long-term work as a doctor of medicine and university professor, Prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D. achieved top results that contributed to developing and promoting Split’s reputation.

At today's formal session, followed by a great applause from those gathered, City of Split awards for 2020 were presented to its deserving citizens, presented to them by Mayor, Krstulović Opara, and President of the City Council, Stanišić. The Lifetime Achievement Award was given to Miljenko Smoje, a well-known journalist from Split, and Zoja Odak, an actress who performed for theatre, film and television, both posthumously. Đordana Barbarić, a well-known humanitarian from Split, also received the Lifetime Achievement Award.

This year's City of Split’s individual award was given to prof. Julije Meštrović Ph.D., current director of University Hospital Split. When it comes to group awards, they went to the women's singing group "Ventula", the Sports Association "Jadran", the 72nd Battalion of the Croatian Army and the Respiratory Intensive Care Unit Split.

The formal session, which took place in compliance with prescribed epidemiological measures, was among others, attended by Prime Minister Andrej Plenković’ envoy, Ministry of Tourism and Sports’ State Secretary, Tonči Glavina, Split-Makarska Archbishop Monsignor Marin Barišić, Deputy Mayors Jelena Hrgović Tomaš and Nino Vela, city councilmen, Deputy Prefect Luka Brčić, County Assembly President, Petroslav Sapunar, representatives of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps, the Police Administration of Split-Dalmatia, the Croatian Navy, as well as of associations originating from the Homeland War.