Applications for SEA-EU Sustainable Cooking Experience (2021)

The six universities members of the European University of the Seas Alliance (SEA-EU) are organizing a joint action called Sustainable Cooking Experience (SEA-EU 2021).
This action’s idea is to arouse students' curiosity about the diversity of European food and the use of cooking as a tool to increase cultural diversity. SEA-EU 2021 Cooking Experience was not thought of as a competition, although the best student recipes at the local level will be awarded a prize equivalent to 100 EUR for the first place, 50 EUR for the second and 30 EUR for the third.
Every University of Split student can apply for the SEA-EU 2021 Cooking Experience with one or more recipes for dishes (accompanied with photos of these) which can be classified as:
• Appetizers,
• Seafood main course (main dish based on fish, seafood, marine algae or any other inspiration related to the sea),
• Local desserts.
The application deadline is March 31, 2021, and you can download the application form and terms of the competition attached to this notice.


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